We meticulously recreated the type-38 6.5 Arisaka cartridge boxes. We consider these to be near perfect replicas of the original boxes. They feature a double wrap construction, hand stamped logos (including the inspection stamp), wax coated and built directly from an original that we dissected.
Pricing is as follows with all boxes made to order:
1 Box: $15 + Shipping
4 Boxes: $45 + Shipping
Original ammunition would have been shipped and issued in these paper boxes with 15 rounds in stripper clips. The wax outer shell would help keep the ammo from corrosion from mild environmental hazards. The lids clearly mark the type of ammunition and the intended firearm. These are modeled after the basic rifle cartridge. Historically, some 6.5 boxes were also marked with a G in a circle. The “G” stood for gensou which was to denote “reduced powder load” and not a marker for glycerol or some other additive.
Our boxes come unsealed with two lids to allow for at least two uses out of the boxes after being closed. There is a way to wrap the lid to be reusable but takes significantly more time to remove.
Comparison of original and our reproduction box.
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